Friday, August 22, 2008


Of the regiments of Senzangakbhona and Makhanda
Of the bettles of Sandlwane and Mngqanga
You remind me of the duels of boys in their boyhood
Yes you evoke the memories of young man betting to defend their territories.

Makwedini you remind me of the 1976 generation.
The generation that never went forward with reverse.
The generation that we only heard it’s doom through sirens,
Sirens and ballabhelams, that resounded in their troubling dreams.

I was wondering where my brothers are,
I was wondering who to call into order,
when the baton became the order of the day.
I was pondering what will be the other when the blood spills?
I was wondering who to call when the battle ensues?

Yes sizwe ngenyama when the blood spills.
Yes sizwe ngenyama, sabona ngembola igazi xa liphalala.

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