Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Marching dead (In response to Singing fools by Don Mattera)

Crimes committed disguised as political battles
An overuse of racism in the realm of freedom
What Uhuru? A countless voting cows waiting in line
For a command to shoot whatever that breaths and breeds
Non conformism

They want us to kneel before their slander
They want us to surrender to their Mob justice
They preach reconciliation while they teach racial hatred
Young man, ticking bombs waiting for orders in frustration

Their tongues so sweet, such that they have made us confuse
The sweetness of Uhuru, with the bitterness of being sell-outs
They cannot command us as they are waiting for their orders
From Washington, least they are brutally removed from posts of glorious messiahs

Our minds are continuously spring cleaned with myths that even
Greek mythologist would not have imagined
Have you seen how weary their eyes were in the middle of a storm in a tear cup?
They had pointed their spears ready to vomit
Their Venom is like the carrion vultures’.

I hide behind my computer
Knowing that there is a single soul that will heed my call
To sing in unison against Economic Slaves of my land
Double extra-large is the size of their average MPs
As they are scornfully fed poisonous ideals

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